Ride for future

Living in Hong Kong, a prosperous city, it's hard for us sometimes to understand how difficult it is for the students living in rural area to go to school everyday. One of the Cities in Qinghai Province of China, Yushu City has a population of around 8 millions, most of the citizens there work in the farming industry. There are 10,000 students who can only go to school on foot, walk 2-3 hours everyday. For them, we can tell for sure those students are seizing every chance they have to pursue knowledge; for the parents, studying is not helpful at all, it's merely a waste of time while they need to work day and night just trying to feed the mouths of their kids, they would rather prefer the kids stay home and assist in the family farming business. Also, the way to school is always rough, students take deadly risks everyday just to get to school, although the rate of fatal accident is not high, but many parents would just force them to quit school in order to protect them.
On the other hand, the altitude in Tibetan Plateau is rather high, the natural environment there is very cruel while there are also many existing problems the students have to face to, for instance, the lack of transportation, and the underdevelopment of the education, medical care, hygiene, communication and physical education. The schools there could only provide insufficient entertaining and sports facilities for the students, which severely limits and badly affect their body growth, and also deprives them from having a "normal" childhood.
In 2013, in order to improve the lives of the children in need, especially the one living in rural area, A Drop of Life decided to cooperate with Solar Bicycles and Chung Yung Cycle Company, and co-developed the project "Ride for Future", which aimed at providing the children bicycles and let them learn riding bicycles in their P.E. lessons. The ultimate goal of this project is to provide bicycles for every one of the children in need, and help them pursue their dream of knowledge. We believe that, fate can be changed by knowledge, once they no longer have to waste so many time just to get to school, they can have more time to focus better on learning. Moreover, we also have faith that cycling will help create a healthy and joyful childhood for every one of them.
"Ride for Future" is a long term fund-raising scheme for children living in rural area, hoping to donate bicycles to the children every year to help better their living environment, and also give back to the society.
October 2013, the Ambassador of "Ride for future", Mr Richie Ren and Singer Wendyz Zheng and other team members conquered the high altitude, rode the Solar Bicycles from Yushu plateau area to the children's school, and gave the children the first 500 bicycles, with the blessings of health, happiness and hope for them. Since then, Solar Bicycles has been giving the children living in different rural area 500 bicycles per year.
© 2017 Solar Bicycles